By Keira Woodhead, Public Relations Chair 2024-2025

In UF SWE, we like to edit words or phrases to have a SWE twist to them. Here are some of our most commonly used ones compiled in a list!

SWEetie (noun) A UF SWE member. 

SWoffice (noun) The SWE office in Weil. 

SWeekly (noun) The weekly SWE email newsletter.

SWecret Message (noun) The new SWE office hours challenge game. 

SWormal (noun) SWE spring formal. 

SWonference (noun) SWE’s annual national conference. 

SWoffice Hours (noun) E-board office hours. 

SWE-board (noun) The executive board of SWE. 

SWeek of Welcome (noun) The first week of a new semester, full of SWE events everyday. 

SWElebrity (noun) A SWEetie who has gone above and beyond in their role. 

“SWe go…” (phrase) A way of saying that SWEeties will be in attendance somewhere.

SWEsgiving (noun) SWE’s annual thanksgiving potluck.

“SWe Loves You” (phrase) SWE social event where SWEeties get to feel appreciated.